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| Have to Answer Hard Questions Again . =P
Saturday, 3 December 2011 | 12/03/2011 | 4 Awesome!
Olla , moshi moshi , hye , hello , assalamualaikum . Okey , saye dudah di tag oleh one blogger cute nie . nak tau ape dye ? Jom kite start :- The Rules You must post this rules . Each person must post about themselves in the journal . answer the question that tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you have tagged to answer . You must choose 11 people to tag and link them in your post . Go to their page to tell them that you have tagged him or her . No tag back allowed . No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this" you legimately (a.k.a really with honestly) have tagged people . 11 things about me Umi gave me the name | Nurul Afina Bt Mat Nizan I stay at Wakaf Bharu , Tumpat , Kelantan My birth date is on 26th August 1996 My birth place is in the Hospital Lawas , Sarawak Smk Wakaf Bharu is my best school ever I hope I can get straight A's in PMR , insyaAllah . I love to eat laksa penang and of course i love chocolate . hehe . If one day , there is no music , surely i will die . <------insane human . =P I love my friends . Never hate them . Seriously . I don't like Justin Bieber or Greyson Chance but I like their songs . =) I love my cat . *already xde bende nak cakap* ehehehehe . My answers Ape pentingnya boyfriend Adeiii , penting ke boyfie ? aku ade boyfie ke ? hak hak . i think sometimes *they* important and sometimes not useful . i guess . Tempat utk mengadu kire okey la kot . kot jer . Lagu yg paling sedih Lagu Rapuh by Opick . Seriously , bile aku moody , then aku dgr lagu tuh , alamakkk ai , memang turun air mata aky yg very precious nih . hek hek . ;b Pernah kena fitnah ? Then ape aku buat ? Atototoi , let bygones be bygones . tak baik kite mengungkit perkara yg lepas kan ? Just pray to Allah utk dibukakan hati org yang fitnah tu , and forgives them . Percaya takdir atau tak Takdir , kite percaya atau tidak , memang bende tue akan berlaku jugak kan . Umat Islam seharusnya believe takdir yg ditentukan oleh Allah * that possible to be change * . macam jodoh or something . =) Makna kasih sayang Errrr , kasih sayang ni macam ... Huh , ape aku nak cakap ni . Kasih sayang tu kasih sayang lha . hohoh . -xtau nak type ape- Bile org tersayang pergi , aku boleh terima x ? InsyaAllah . Itu jugak takdir namanye . Kite kena redha with anything that happens to me . But , Ya Allah , pnjgkanlah umur ibu bapaku dan org org yg pina sayang . aminnnnnn . Cinta indah or menyakitkan ? Cinta kepada Allah sakit tak ? cinta kepada RasulAllah sakit tak ? Loving Allah an Rasul is the best wonderful thing ever . right ? =P Pernah serik bercinta ? Aummm , xde maknenye mencintai seseorang buat msa nie . sejauh mane aku cinta someone uh , bukannye aku kahwin ngan dye pon kan . jodoh di tangan tuhan . kekekekekeke . Kwn yg mcm mne baik sgt sgt ? Kawan yg ambil berat , baik , hormat org tua , hormat cikgu cikgu , errrrr , no matter what my friends' behavior , good or bad , i still love them . =D Hidup yg aku idamkan bile daa besar I want to be rich ! rich ! rich ! hahahaha . Have a big house , big car , and have anything that I want , Become a good person , insyaAllah . Become a useful person to others. Aku nak jadi org yg berjasa to my lovely parents . Pendapat aku tntg NISA punye belog . Nice , comey . i like hearing her blog punye music . I like pink damn much so i give her blog 10 stars . hehe . My questions Greyson or Justin ? And why ? Awak suke warne ape ye ? Bile awak dah kawin , awk nak honeymoon kat mane ? hek hek . Sayang kawan awak tak ? Kenape ? Ape awak nak jadi bile awak da besar ? Like rabbit , cat , hamster or what ? Takut lipas tak ? labah labah ? aummmm . =P Kalau sye cakap sye sayang awak . mcm mne ? marah tak ? hak hak . Sape boy/girl yg paling awak suke ? hohoh . Ape perasaan awk bile sya tag awak ni ? Jujur . kekekeke . Amacam belog saye ? cantik ke .hodoh ke .serabut otak ke .biase ke. atau ................ *beri jwpn sndri yek* Okay then , saya nak tagged diorang ni . Maaflah ek . hehe . http://budakcomotsebokcerita.blogspot.com/ http://maya-shafiqah.blogspot.com/ http://cik-atien.blogspot.com/ http://littlerainbowslife.blogspot.com/ http://truelovelystory.blogspot.com/ http://l-ya-syahira.blogspot.com/ http://violetrosesmyu.blogspot.com/ http://www.yayaindehouse.blogspot.com/ http://nana-kecik.blogspot.com/ http://ayankumisensei.blogspot.com/ http://mimiemichiko.blogspot.com/ |